The scope of purpose

The purpose of this quality policy is to assure the engagement of LAB YAOUNDE to maintain the highest standards of professional practice and act in the best interests of the service, patients, clients, and other professionals1 in order to meet their needs and requierements2.

The laboratory responsibility

LAB YAOUNDE is publishing this quality policy to provide the basis for running of the laboratory in a way that will fulfil all its users’ needs and requirements.

The laboratory Director has designated .........Quality Manager , who will work closely with the management in order to reach the laboratory objectives. Her role will be to ensure the promotion of awareness of users’ needs and requirements throughout the laboratory organization and to maintain a safe and enjoyable place and workplace for all the laboratory users and staff.

The laboratory commitment to its users and staff

In order to make sure that the laboratory users’ needs and requirements are fulfilled, the management will:

Place quality objectives and plans that will implement and maintain this policy

Ensure that the laboratory personnel at all levels is aware and familiar with this quality policy

Provide to its users, visitors, staff and other professionals, a safe and welcoming environment, premises and facilities that comfort them and contribute to their welfare

Prevent unwanted risks and hazards from entering the laboratory space by maintaining separated circulation pathways for specimens and patients and manage biohazard waste in confined and isolated areas.

Operate a quality management system that incorporates the laboratory processes required to carry out analysis, documents procedures and keeps records that attest the laboratory correct performance of its activities.

Recruit, train, develop and retain appropriate number of staff at all levels and encourage them to continuously improve their knowledge and skills in order for them to be fully involved in their work and to be competent to meet the laboratory users’expectations

Encourage professional values and conduct annual employee performance appraisals and keep commitment to good professional practice and conduct

Consult with the laboratory users and assess their satisfaction on a regular basis

LAB YAOUNDE standards and compliance with international regulations

The laboratory will comply with international regulations to set ideal standards and will be therefore committed to:

Choose high-quality equipment that produces accurate and reproducible results and contributes to maintain high level of laboratory performance and increases safety for the staff

Correctly install equipment by approved and trained professional and establish maintenance programme in order to lengthen instruments life and reduce breakdowns and failures that might generate service interruption

Use its equipment, procedures , techniques and laboratory information system in a way that ensures the highest achievable quality of all analysis performed

Select approved suppliers based on their ability to supply external services, with renowned and standardised equipment, reagents and consumables in accordance with the laboratory’s requirements’

Ensure that the collection, transport and handling of all patients samples are made with standardised material and in a way that corroborate with correct performance of laboratory analysis

Continuously evaluate and improve the laboratory service by using internal audits and external quality assessments in order to produce continual quality enhancement that will meet all the laboratory users’ expectations

Report timely, timeliness, accurate, reliable and reproducible laboratory examinations results and preserve patients’ confidentiality

Signed: RH.Mbena                                           First published: 03.05.2014
Chief Executive Officer                                   Reviewed dates : 03.11.2014                                                       QPol: version 1.3
